Sarah Del Castillo
More than anything, you desire success in your business and time with your family.
But in reality, you're powering through anxiety and burnout at work and exhaustion and guilt at home. When you're working you're thinking about home and when you're with your family you're thinking about work.
You don't have enough time in the day, the weight of the world is on your shoulders, and thereʻs no slowing down in sight.
working mothers suffer from workplace burnout
of moms rarely or never take time for their own wellbeing
of moms carry the majority of the housework/home responsibilities.
Are you ready to stop
Yes, Letʻs Go!
I swapped my position as Executive Director at a multi-million dollar company for FT multi-passionate entrepreneur and mama. With a mix of teen, toddlers, and infants at home, I admit more late-night oil was burned than I'd like.
My solo venture grew into a marketing agency and while we were thriving revenue-wise, I couldn't figure out how to navigate a flow between running my business and spending the amount of time with my family that I wanted. I was hustling for a quality of life I didn't have time to enjoy.
Until one day I cracked the code and discovered how to create a flow that worked for me, and now I'm sharing it with you.
wondering if this is for you? It's a heck yes if
You love, nurture, and care for the humans in your life fiercely and tirelessly.
You're ambitious and goal-driven; whatever you choose to do, you do well,
You have a legit business; it's not a hobby or a "jobby" and you're committed to seeing it succeed.
I want you to feel successful and fulfilled by your work.
I want you to release the "rules" and expectations of motherhood and show up present and engaged instead.
I want you to use your time and energy in ways that are aligned and fulfilling.
Let's get you off the hamster wheel of perfectionism and anxiety and replace it with ease and confidence. You are working so hard to create a life you love, and you don't have to wait until "one day" to enjoy it.
What would you do with an extra 5, 10, even 20 hours a week? You know how to get more done in less time while feeling inspired and energized.
You feel good about the quality AND quantity of time you have for your family. No more thoughts of "not good enough" or "I need to do more."
You swapped perfectionism and worry for confidence and ease. You've found your flow and your energy and motivation have skyrocketed.
Science-based coaching tools to help you redesign your reality.
I'll help you understand why you find yourself overwhelmed, frustrated, and exhausted- sometimes before you've even started work. Once you understand why this is happening, we can get to work redesigning your life.
A tailored solution that you will use to design your days intentionally- all with less stress and more time.
Stop operating in survival mode and start intentionally showing up energized, inspired, and fulfilled. You no longer have to choose between your dreams and your sanity and will be able to show up powerfully no matter what is happening at home, at work, or in the world around you.
We'll co-create a tailored plan to work less and achieve more.
Create lasting, sustainable change by learning how to think, act, and achieve your goals differently.
Once you learn these tools, you'll be able to use them for life. You'll be able to forever alter the way you think and behave- and therefore also create a different reality for yourself. Working less while making more isnʻt a pipe dream or a secret that belongs to "the rich".
“A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension.”
-Oliver Wendell Holmes.
A quick word...
Representation matters. Ownership matters more.
The work you're doing is important. Women founders offer the world shifting paradigms, broader, more diverse solutions, and generational wealth.
This is why I take my role in supporting you so seriously.
I am here to help you- the human behind the business- so that you can create the impact you desire.
In this space:
I center equity and honor intersectionality. I learn and unlearn every day.
It is understood that equity and equality are not the same thing.
Any accommodations needed to be able to work with me will be supported.
I'm Sarah, certified coach, former agency owner, wife, MOM OF 4, and
dog-mom to an ultra-hyper black lab.
I went from working 60+ hour work weeks to starting my own business and working 24/7. My phone was attached to the hip (literally), it was the first thing I looked at every morning and the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes every night. (And yes, I'm guilty of dropping my phone on my baby's face).
My workdays often ended between 2- 3am and at one point I started work at 3am when I had a client 6 hours ahead of me. The truth is, I LOVE working.
But with a growing family to feed (I had 3 babies while running my business), a team to pay, and increasing clientele to serve, taking care of my health and spending time with the family were luxuries I couldn't afford. Slowly things began to slip out of my control.
I was soon diagnosed with anxiety and chronic migraines; my body and soul were forcing me to slow down. I wasn't showing up well in any part of my life and something needed to change.
Enter Feminist Flow. I now look forward to daily routines that feed my body, mind, and soul, quality time with my family, taking time off to travel, and luxurious amounts of time for my trashy novels. If I need to create time for something I want to do, I know how to.
follow me @thesimpleflourish
If you're into mindset and empowerment tools, uplifting women, unfiltered + unscripted thoughts, multiple beverages, things I find funny + shots of an undisciplined Labrador, you've come to the right place.
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